"There’s nowhere else like London. Nothing at all, anywhere." – Vivienne Westwood

Here’s where I’m supposed to tell you why I’m qualified to do this

You can go and see it for yourself on another page on here somewhere if you like 


Let’s see if I can ‘prove’ myself to you


I was born into chaos. Violence. Alcoholism 


I wasn’t liked from the minute I was born. Jealousy. Rivalry. Just a baby


Sexual abuse. Bullying. Rejection. Ridicule


I wanted to die more than once. I remember feeling a deep sadness from a young age. After what I just told you it’s not surprising is it 


I had a deep self hatred. Thought the world would be better off without me. I curled up on my bed. Like a baby. Wanted to die. Again


Then a voice out of nowhere. It said


You didn’t go through what you did to end it like this


Those exact words




Whose voice was that? I still don’t know 


It woke me up from my CORE 


I knew everything I’d been through wasn’t just down to all those people who’d hurt me. It was down to me too. I’d abused myself. Hurt myself. I had to to survive


It all had a purpose. It all happened so I could help other people. People like you 


Then you help people like you. And they help people like them. And on and on it goes 




I realised it wasn’t my fault. The abuse. I realised I am ok


I realised I’m still the girl who was feisty. Fierce. Funny. Big hearted




They couldn’t take that away from me


I set her free


And here I am helping you to help you 


And you help others 


And they do it too


Will that do? 


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If this resonates with you then you are one of us

When I did some digging into the significance of the number 23 in my life I was shown that I am here to create The Resurrection Revolution


More and more of exactly what this is and what it looks like out in the world has been revealed to me. I’ve known for a long time that I am here for a red carpet life. It was shown to me at a young age. In meditations and shamanic journeying I have been shown the red carpet over and over again

You are here to take you4 work mainstream. This isn’t celebrity for the sake of it. You are a chosen one. You are gifted. Your impact is limitless. Your gifts are needed to bring in a new world. A new earth.

The Resurrection Revolution is a resurrection of the power in all of us, not just the few. The days of the few at the top having power over, is over. The days of power with are now IN.

We are being called to step up and use our gifts at this time to call in those who are ready. Who are chosen.

When we step up in the way we are meant to, without the fear of being seen, of being heard, without the fear of being ridiculed, our energy radiates.

No woman will be left behind. Your gifts transform. Your energy and frequency vibrate so high it can’t not reach those it is meant to reach.


BY BEING YOU. There's no special place you have to get to. Nowhere you need to be. You are magic. Just as you are. Right here. Right now

This is the Resurrection Revolution

Start yours with me

terri kearns speaker - Copy

Terri Louise | The Alchemist

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